The Austrian Encounter
The Foundation Trust
The mission of The
Foundation Trust includes: 1) to create and to foster communication,
dialogue and education after genocide or after mass or major violence;
2) constructively to promote and to enhance peace and respect within
the personal, interpersonal, inter-group (including inter-ethnic)
and international spheres; and, 3) to coordinate and to network activities
of other individuals and organizations related to the above, world-wide.
The Legacy Project |
The Legacy Project is dedicated to exploring issues of remembrance in different cultures, in order to better understand the contemporary significance of historical tragedy. |
International Summer Program on the Holocaust |
The International Summer Program on the Holocaust (ISPH) brings together students from American and German colleges and universities to address the legacy of the Holocaust. Its mission is to create understanding of the contemporary significance of the history of the Holocaust through one-month long study, travel and dialogue between Jewish and non-Jewish students . |
Gruppen und Projekte zum Thema Rassismus |
Nachrichten | Termine | Gruppen | Uni | Dokumente | Statistiken | Bücher | Filme |Ausstellungen | Gruppen und Projekte |
Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste Action Reconciliation Service for Peace |
Aktion Sühnezeichen wurde von evangelischen Christen gegründet, die sich dem stellten, was durch Deutsche während der Zeit des Faschismus geschah. Die Anerkennung der historischen Schuld der Deutschen ist der Ausgangspunkt der Aktion in Deutschland, Israel, Polen und der Tschechischen Republik, in Rußland, Belorußland und Norwegen, in den Niederlanden, Belgien, Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA. Begun by German Protestants, Action Reconciliation Service for Peace is active in several areas: long- and short-term volunteer service in Israel, the USA, Western and Eastern Europe; educational work with survivors of the Holocaust at memorial centers of former concentration camps, in institutes and in museums; and confronting German history by challenging right-wing extremism and anti-Semitism, lobbying for the recognition of "forgotten" victims of the Nazi oppression and participation in peace groups and initiatives. |
Second Generation Trust |
Second Generation Trust is the only British-registered charity dedicated to raising awareness of the after-effects of the Holocaust and inherited conflict on descendants. We facilitate original and creative seminars, conferences and publications. We highlight silence and denial experienced by many descendants, in terms of family history and more widely: in an ethnic group and/or a nation. We work collaboratively with others in the U.K. and abroad regarding second generation Jewish, Roma and Sinti descendants, and descendants of perpetrators, collaborators and bystanders. |
The Austrian Encounter |
A group composed mostly of sons & daughters of Austrian Nazis and of daughters & sons of Austrian Holocaust victims has been meeting intensively and is honest and earnest with each other. That remains remarkable and unique in Austria! Although Austria harbors terrible enmity of Jews, retains a history and a legacy of heinous responsibility during the Reich, and mastered denial of that culpability after the war, we continue to see deep openness lead to warmth, trust, and the beginnings of much more by wonderful, varied, motivated people. Erstaunlich, daß sich eine Gruppe zusammengesetzt aus Söhnen und Töchtern von österreichischen Nazis und Töchtern und Söhnen von Opfern des österreichischen Holocausts aufrichtig, ehrlich und intensiv treffen, und noch dazu in Österreich! Der Fakt bleibt bemerkenswert und einzigartig in Österreich! Obwohl Österreich eine schrecklich Feindseligkeit gegen Juden in sich birgt, eine Geschichte und eine Erbschaft von abscheulicher Verantwortlichkeit während des Reiches existiert und es geschafft wurde, diese Straftaten nach dem Krieg zu ignorieren, sehen wir weiterhin, daß tiefe Ehrlichkeit zu Wärme, Vertrauen und vielen anderen Dingen zwischen wunderbaren, verschiedenen und motivierten Menschen führt. |
Peace Research Insititute in the Middle East |
Politicians make peace. Building peace shaping it on a grassroots level is an essential, complementary component of that process. PRIME's goal is to promote peace research as an integral part of peace-building. We believe that an intellectual infrastructure for peace can influence the public agenda in Israel and Palestine, strengthen civil society, offer new approaches for overcoming obstacles in peace-building, and address long-term regional issues. |
Facing History and Ourselves |
Facing History and Ourselves offers a dynamic framework for examining history and human behavior. We are an educational and professional development organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice and anti-Semitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. |
To Reflect and Trust |
Since 1992, To Reflect and Trust has conducted annual encounters amongst descendants of Holocaust survivors and descendants of convicted Nazi war criminals. Descriptions and observations by the participants appear on this site. Since the summer of 1998, TRT has evolved to include additional participants from both sides of the current conflicts in Northern Ireland, in Palestine and Israel, and in South Africa. |
ARCHE is a platform for intercultural projects (Plattform für Interkulturelle Projekte -Verein zur Gestaltung und Durchführung interkultureller Projekte e.V), and is a non profit, politically independent and non denominational organization. Its activities cover all of Austria and, in cooperation with other organizations, an international level is reached. In cooperation with Austrian and international organizations, ARCHE plans and coordinates events in order to improve the peaceful coexistence of majorities, minorities and individuals in society ... . Examples include exhibitions, symposia, seminars, lectures, film and theater performances, satirical political revues, musical performances, etc. |
One by One |
One by One, we seek out the humanity in each other as we listen with compassion to one another's stories of pain, guilt, anguish, loss and fear. As the stories resound within us, the burdens are lightened and we begin to transform the impact of our legacies, offering hope to future generations. One by One is a non-profit organization created by Jews and Christians whose lives have been deeply affected by the Holocaust. One by One ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die von Amerikanerinnen und Deutschen 1996 in Boston/USA gegründet wurde. One by One versteht sich als Forum für den Dialog zwischen den Nachkommen der Opfer und den Nachkommen der Täter des Nationalsozialismus. Die Mitglieder kommen von zwei Seiten. |
The International Network Education for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance |
Mutual toleration is becoming a key function for the maintenance of democracy and non violent conflict resolution. Various experiences fostering and educating regarding democracy, human rights and tolerance exist around the world, designed for special target groups. A lot of those experiences are not available or even known outside their regions. There is an urgent need for the exchange of this expertise. The International Network is especially designed to promote this exchange. |
Webster University's Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights |
Genocide does not arise out of nothing, nor does it occur spontaneously. Rather, the path to genocide is marked by increasing levels of violence and early warning indicators. The roots of genocide must be studied. With this knowledge, we can work collaboratively to develop models and policies towards early warning, prevention, peaceful conflict resolution, reconciliation and reconstruction. |
We are a nonpartisan initiative which stands for openness and tolerance among all groups of our society within a united Europe. We strongly oppose all kinds of exclusion and hate due to origin, gender, religion or sexual orientation. We call for a conscientious attitude toward Austria's history which is based on the historical facts. Wir sind eine parteiunabhängige Initiative, die für ein offenes und tolerantes Miteinander aller Gesellschaftsgruppen in einem Vereinten Europa eintritt. Wir wenden uns entschieden gegen jede Form von Ausgrenzung und Hetze aufgrund von Herkunft, Geschlecht, Religion oder sexueller Orientierung. Wir fordern einen gewissenhaften und den historischen Fakten entsprechenden Umgang mit der österreichischen Vergangenheit. |
Institute of Contemporary
History and Wiener Library
Described by Thomas
Mann as " of the most impressive testimonies to the days of
horror which it was our dreadful lot to witness", and housing over
60,000 books, 10,000 photographs and the most extensive press archive
on National Socialism in the world, the Wiener Library is the oldest
archive and documentation center devoted to study of the Holocaust
and Nazi era, its causes and legacy.
Gardens of the Righteous Worldwide |
Our aim is to single out the righteous wherever they may be, from the Holocaust to the gulags, from the history of the Armenian genocide to the Bolivian massacres, from Pol Pot's "killing fields" to Rwanda, Argentina, Chile, Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor... So that today's youth can know and so that they can learn to feel genuine emotions and not only those aroused by fiction or virtual reality... So that they can understand, with us that the eternal struggle is not over and will never end. |